Neurological Intelligence: Volume 2
Strategies and Tools to Heal and Grow

Becoming Comfortable with That
Which Was Once Uncomfortable

In Neurological Intelligence, Volume 1: An Owner’s Manual for the Human Operating System you learned about the workings of your inner world and how the programming from your past affects you in the present.

Now in Neurological Intelligence, Volume 2: Strategies and Tools to Heal and Grow, you will begin to heal the unresolved issues from the past, learn to manage your reactive patterns in the present, and grow into the next, higher version of yourself.

You will explore processes to release painful emotions and change disempowered, limiting beliefs that have caused you and others to suffer in some way. As you apply the strategies, tools, and techniques, you may indeed go through periods of discomfort until you prove to yourself that you can heal and grow and become comfortable in your inner world.

We are all perfectly imperfect humans with unresolved neurological wounds. Once you become aware of and resolve your past, you can mindfully manage your life, stop repeating painful patterns, and live with a quiet mind, a peaceful soul, and a relaxed inner world.



This book and V2 has changed my perspective on life. I am lighter, happier and more easy going - I use the tools and strategies explained throughout Volume 2 in my everyday life and cannot thank Glenn enough for the impact he has made in my career and relationships. Most importantly, the relationship I have with myself.