Center for Neurological Intelligence Testimonials
I know it’s been a LONG time but I wanted to reach out and let you know how thankful I am for you. I am going to be honest. The last time we spoke, I stormed out of your office ready to divorce my husband. We both thought it was over and started the process of separating our lives.
In the midst of all of that we both began the healing process individually that started with YOU. My husband continued to see you while I did the work we started on my own. Through it all we realized that you were right; we both reacted to our shared trauma in our own way that stemmed from past experiences that neither one of us had really worked through individually.
While I could probably write a book about the power of your coaching and being ok with not always being on the same page, I can honestly say we would not be together without you. You saved our marriage and after all these years I feel the need to reach out and show YOU gratitude, something else you taught us. Without you, our family story would be different and our miracle baby wouldn’t be here today.
So today I stand here full of gratitude, full of all the things I can’t really put into words, but know I need to share. We will celebrate year 17 soon with our 3 amazing kids and happier than we have ever been.
Thank you!
So I don’t even know where to start with all the amazing things I have learned and implemented in my life to grow as a person and become better at handling life challenges and tribulations! Glenn has been single handedly the most impactful person I have ever worked with and cannot say enough good things about what he does. Every aspect of my life has changed from a perception standpoint and his “no sugarcoating” approach taught me a lot about myself and how most of my issues could be solved with just a shift in utilizing his tactics to break the cycle of repetitive patterns that would drag me down. I am so grateful for him and he is truly a miracle worker of sorts if you take his course seriously and DO THE WORK! Thank you Glenn for showing me a brighter, more enjoyable side of life and helping me break free from traumas that were hindering my growth! If you are on the fence about working with Glenn, make the best decision as I did and watch yourself transform! We all deserve happiness and this was such an eye opening, learning experience that I will forever implement to be the best version of myself I can be!
Glenn Cohen is my miracle worker!!! I remember walking into his office for the first time, thinking there is no way this man can make a difference. I thought that Glenn would probably be like most therapists —he is going to tell me everything I want to hear…..WAS I COMPLETELY WRONG !!!!
He is not like any psychologist or therapist! And he certainly is not going to tell you what you want to hear, he will tell you what you need to hear!
Glenn changed my life! I became free of worries, anxiety, and other things that were holding me back from being my true self. The journey Glenn took me on was a journey of healing, forgiveness and loving myself. Glenn is the most genuine person I know. He truly cares and is invested in the success and happiness of his clients. His program is like no other….his program works! I will always be grateful to Glenn for showing me how beautiful life is.
I reached out to Glenn after a series of events in my life left me feeling unsettled, vulnerable, and needing change. I got to a point where I thought that putting in the work to make positive changes in my life would be less painful than doing nothing and continuing on as things had been. I realized that the only thing I had control of was myself, and if my life was going to improve then I would have to be the one to make the improvements.
Glenn‘s methods helped me to better understand myself. I began to understand where I developed certain limiting ideas of myself, of relationships, and how I entered into repeating patterns that consistently lead to similar outcomes. I learned how I would project past painful experiences onto my present life which would leave me jumping to judgments and conclusions rather than experiencing things as they are in the moment. By leading with defense mechanisms I wasn’t giving anyone or anything the opportunity to be more than the limited expectation I had of it. Since working with Glenn I’ve gotten more in touch with both my emotions and the physical sensations in my body that alert me when a neurological shift is taking place. By learning to place myself as the cause in my life, rather than the effect, I’ve been able to consciously shift my thoughts and intervene in my otherwise automatic behavior patterns.
Glenn’s approach helped me to learn the tools and techniques I need to manage my response when “shift happens.” Now not a day goes by where I don’t think about and use some of the insights gained from Glenn, including that even with regular work we’re all still subject to the 80/20 rule, if you get it right 80% of the time then you’re doing good. Thanks to my time with Glenn and my motivation to do the work I’m now much closer to that 80% mark and more often welcome the opportunities I have to learn, grow, and build more meaningful relationships with myself and others.
It takes work (I’m still a work in progress), and the work really begins when you walk out the door of
Glenn‘s office, but it is work that will pay off in the form of a better life.
-Steven H.
Glenn operates in the strongest kind of Compassion: no-nonsense, sets firm boundaries, holds accountability, and reflects back all Truth. When one is truly ready, Glenn’s masterful guidance facilitates the necessary changes to re-activate one's own innate abilities to self-empower and self-heal.
-Katie W.
After being together for over a decade, Bynum and I had fallen into some unhealthy patterns for ourselves and marriage. Misunderstandings, triggering, arguing and cold wars. We knew that we were good people, but we weren't being the best versions of ourselves.
We were both working with Glenn individually and things had dramatically improved but we saw a benefit in having someone point out where we may be getting stuck. We have learned how to use communication tools properly. We have learned the difference between content and context when analyzing past events.
These days, we laugh more and argue less. Our home life is more enjoyable for the whole family. We aren't misunderstanding each other or triggering each other as often and we have a better understanding of what to do should that happen. We are forever grateful to Glenn for helping us to improve the quality of our individual lives as well as our lives as a couple.
-Michelle & Bynum (Couples Coaching Testimony)
After trying therapists and psychologists over the years, I decided I wanted to try a different approach. I wanted something that wasn't talk therapy, wasn't prescription medicine suggestions, but something that was tangible, something a control freak like me could still feel like she is in control of and doing something about it.
I wanted something that would give me the tools to help resolve all of those old patterns that were no longer serving me and better ways to communicate with my husband and child. A system that could help me to move forward more easily in the direction I want to go. I wanted something that makes everything seem more hopeful, possible, attainable, and it does not feel like drudging through the marsh.
From my time working with Glenn, I can think more clearly, feel more sure-footed about my decisions, worry less, and move about my life knowing that my thoughts, words, and actions will be more in sync; therefore making me feel more at home in my own body. I am no longer anxious and worried about how I may handle a possible situation or problem. I see them as challenges for growth. I meet these challenges as worthy opponents as opposed to an oversized Goliath.
The quality of my days feel richer, warmer, and more green than red. (This will make sense if you follow any of his work).
- Michelle (Personal Testimony from Couples Coaching)
Working with Glenn Cohen has been a real eye-opening experience. For years I have suffered from anxiety and my wife recommended that I go see Glenn whom she had recently started coaching with.
I didn’t know what to expect but when he started explaining the science behind his method I was immediately interested. Glenn’s method is not feel-good cheerleading, it is a way to retrain your brain through neurological pathways in the mind and body. Working with Glenn I have learned how to manage my stress and anxiety levels in a healthy way. I have also discovered several traumatic events in my life which have been trapped in my unconscious mind and how to change their meaning so they can serve me in a positive light rather than a negative experience.
Another area I wanted help with was improving my communication skills with others. Through my work with Glenn, I have learned how to listen better, hold space, and express myself more clearly. At the end of the day I feel empowered and more at ease with myself as a result of Glenn’s coaching methods. If you are interested in a straightforward way of improving your general well-being, I highly recommend utilizing Glenn Cohen’s coaching methods.
-Bynum (Personal Testimony - Couples Coaching)
I feel that trust is the most important part of any relationship. It gives you the power to communicate with any person, at any time, and connect with them precisely how you wish to connect with them. Glenn has helped me trust my internal intelligence and reach far into my heart and mind to heal past traumas and allow the best version of myself to be present and available for my family, friends, and patients. It’s an amazing feeling to know yourself fully, and know that you are in complete control of yourself and your internal environment. Becoming self aware of how you feel and how your interactions with other people affect them throughout the day, has allowed me to become the best version of myself. My Mindful Empowered Leader!!!
Thank You Glenn, for coaching me through the ups and downs, and the pitfalls and roadblocks, and most importantly telling me what I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it. This training and coaching has helped me become a better husband, father, and doctor. Thank you for teaching me your system to unlock the infinite possibilities with within, I look forward everyday to introducing my Mindful Empowered Leader to the world!
Yours In Health,
Dr. Vance Kirar DC. DAAMLP.
President Kirar Superior Healthcare
Looking for a breakthrough? Glenn is your guy. I have worked with several mental health professionals over the years and appreciated Glenn's direct and efficient approach.
No other program has been more effective for me. I have and will continue to send referrals to Glenn, and they all agree - he is skilled at helping navigate you through the weeds of your perception and onto the brighter side of life. I highly recommend him!
I would recommend Glenn Cohen to everyone I love and care about. The Re-Claiming process has been life changing and unlike anything I have done before. Since starting with Glenn, he has opened my eyes to negative language I was using and how changing the way I look at things will change how I feel about them. Truly releasing and healing my past in order to become the best me ever. I’m so thankful to have meet Glenn and had the opportunity to work with him one on one as he perfected his process into what it is now. He is truly gifted in his ability to lead you into your most empowered self!
Glenn is a very amazing person. He will give you a reality check in a heartbeat, sometimes individuals in situations aren't ready for the truth. Glenn teaches you how to be an empowered stable individual, and sometimes the chips fall as they may when it comes to that. It is up to you the individual to take on the responsibility for your own mental and spiritual health,
Glenn is probably the best person I've ever met to help guide you with that, but it's on you. If you're willing to accept his information and (apply it) you will be a changed individual. If you don't then you won't. A lot of people expect a marriage counselor to guide you through all your issues and take you by the hand, Glenn does not at least not the way you think, he has each individual look at themselves take the truth for what it is, if you become a understanding individual intern you will become a better couple. His principles are spot-on and yes it sucks to be called out trust me, but it was what I needed when I needed it.
Understand something, if one of you in your marriage chooses to become a changed person through his teachings and the other one doesn't, well it is what it is. For me as a person Glenn help give me the information and the tools to be a better person and a better Communicator completely.
Glenn if you read this, I can't say it enough, I appreciate you brother. Thank you for everything that you've done.
In the realm of coaching and healers there are some human beings who clearly have a gift. The gift that Glenn Cohen has is one like I’ve never encountered in my long history with coaches, therapists, and healers.
As a mental health clinician, myself I know how rare it is to find someone who truly knows how to get into the human psyche, body, and soul. The experience working with Glenn is like no other you’ll ever have. Glenn is a professional space holder while simultaneously being a magical, compassionate bullshit cutter. He sees your soul and work from all possible angles and is a master at helping you uncover your blind spots. He intentionally and beautifully guides you as you return to your true self and spirit.
Glenn knows an inordinate amount about the physiology and biology of the ways our body holds and responds to trauma. He is a self-studied expert - the best possible kind. His process not only makes sense to the lay person, it transports you to a sense of grounded presence in real time. He helps you get in full touch with your boundless power, compassion, and sense of true self.
The work I have done with Glenn has forever changed the course of my path in this lifetime. The way he saw me for my truest most empowered self has touched my life a way words don’t match. If you’re really ready to dive into your person work and truly reclaim your spirit, Glenn is the only coach I recommend.
Thank you;
When you hear the term counseling you get a connotation that something is wrong with you. That is the furthest thing from the truth. Our lives are filled with pain and stress and we all deal with those things in different ways. However, sometimes things just get beyond our control and we need help. I was hurting from some painful life events over the past few years as well as dealing with demons from my early childhood. I consider myself an intelligent person but felt helpless and stupid when trying to make sense of the pain and emotions I was experiencing. I realized that I cannot go on this journey alone and needed help and Glenn was there.
Nobody starts a new task that they have never done before without training and Glenn was the perfect coach for me! He guided me through a very challenging process where I worked my ass off to sort through the emotions and pain in my life. I bet you are asking, "why did you do all of the work, isn't Glenn the counselor?" Glenn has a very thorough and detailed process that I trusted with all my heart. I am very grateful for the hard work I put in and for his guidance. Without Glenn I would have never made it through this journey successfully. Glenn gave me the lifetime tools to continue the work we did together to make sure I succeed. I have seen a huge increase in my confidence and self-esteem as a result of the hard work I put in under Glenn's guidance. I would highly recommend him to anyone (individuals or couples). Thank you, Glenn!
I'm not sure where to begin. I've never written a testimonial before, but I thought that it was important enough to do so. I wish that I could say that I had met Glenn much sooner. I feel that I've missed out on a lot of happiness and ruined some relationships along the way, and that's what brought me here.
Someone very close and important to me who knew every intimate detail of how I was ashamed of things that unconsciously made me sad and angry, told me that I didn't have to live like this. She loved me and she encouraged me to go and see someone about things that had happened in my childhood.
She even helped me by researching and sifting through all of these different counselors and giving me her opinions on what I needed to look for. Sadly, I waited too long and lost her, and I then became very motivated to helping myself become a different version of me because I didn't like that person and she didn't either, so I was incredibly determined to change.
Glenn did that for me and if you listen to him and what he asks of you then it's so easy that you almost don't even know it's happening until your there and those feelings of sadness and that depression aren't there anymore. I was there every Monday morning, and it was my favorite time of the week and if it was needed then I would have gladly kept giving him my money and going to see him because I wasn't that same angry and sad person anymore.
I feel much happier and optimistic, and I could tell that people liked being around me more than before. I'm very grateful for what Glenn has done for me and I appreciate the other person and what she had sacrificed and helping me get what I much needed.
Very Grateful
I met Glenn during the lowest point of my life. I was unraveling from the inside out, 5 months into separating myself from an emotionally abusive partner and I couldn’t breathe let alone see where I was headed.
An angel friend told me about her experience with Glenn, and I knew I needed his help. Glenn allowed me to see the deep need for me to snap out of my spiral and take control of my life. He shined a light into some dark spaces in my soul so that I could see the potential for healing there.
I have done some of the hardest work of my life with Glenn by my side, guiding me and reminding me of my role, my choices, and my power... always encouraging me to claim my life, mistakes and all, as my own so that the life I’m now creating is as the fullest, most authentic version of myself. I have more work to do, still. Truly, I don’t know when this part of my journey will be over, but I see the light outside of the cave and I know If I do this hardest of work while in the dark, I will get to the light. And Glenn led me there. ️
I saw another Megan wrote you a testimonial, so I had to write mine, too! Thank you, a million times, over, my friend!
If you would have told me that, a year from meeting Glenn Cohen, I would have quit my job, become sober, reconnected with an estranged parent, and started my own business doing what I’ve always wanted to do, I would have laughed in your face! And I probably would have run in the other direction.
To be clear, none of these decisions were suggested by Glenn. He’s not in the business of telling you what to do. His coaching style is direct, and he called my BS out at every turn -- not in a judgmental way, but in a way that helped me break through patterns that may have served me at one time but had been holding me back for years.
In our journey, he used techniques that I was initially skeptical of -- techniques that, once I bought in and surrendered to the process, allowed me to reclaim myself and my path. In working with Glenn, it became apparent that I wasn’t creating or enforcing boundaries with others, that I needed to play the role of the martyr in my career, friendships and relationships to feel validated, and that I would create scenarios to test the durability of relationships, which often resulted in self-sabotage. When opportunities came for self-examination, I would withdraw and numb out.
Thanks to Glenn's assistance, I was able to confront the ghosts of my past and forgive my parents and previous partners for harm done -- I realized that they, too, are imperfect people, and in forgiving them, I was able to reclaim a part of myself that felt stuck in the past. Most importantly, I was able to show grace to myself, and to move on from mistakes I had made in the past that had hurt others, that had hurt me.
The more I worked with Glenn, the more I came to realize that my new goals and values were not aligned with certain environments I was existing in. Reaching that point of no return was one of the most powerful and emotional periods of my life. Our work helped me develop the courage to leave those environments, or to redefine them in healthy ways. To step purposefully and courageously into an uncertain future.
I am now over seven months sober, in the beginning phases of starting my freelance writing career, and closer to my partner for having gone through tough, but necessary conversations and processes together. Glenn has been one of my greatest teachers, and I cannot express enough gratitude for his patience, direction and belief in me over the past year and several months. Meet with Glenn. Open yourself up to the process. Do the hard work required to reclaim yourself. There’s no one better to help you get there.
-Megan B.
Glenn is a genius. If you are willing to put in the work, he can help you make SO much progress towards becoming the mentally healthy and happy person you want to be. I put his teachings into practice every single day and I am a better person for it. I cannot recommend Glenn enough.
The world would be a much better place if everyone spent some time with Glenn.
I stepped into Glenn’s little office in the winter of 2017. This stage of my life was the darkest place I had been in. Having the childhood, I had, coupled with one failed marriage and a slew of traumatic events, all led up to the moment I walked in there. On the surface, it was a last-ditch effort to save my current marriage…a marriage I had already written off because my past had me living what I thought I deserved in my life. I had a history of knowingly messing things up to make sure I controlled the end of the relationship because, in the end, everyone leaves. Now, in the depths of my mind, I knew I needed real help because I wasn’t just on the verge of losing my wife. I was toying with the idea of suicide.
You see, I had been struggling for years. Decades really. The early years of my life sucked but I don’t really remember all of the things that happened. The things I do remember have stuck with me forever and established my self-worth. The chaos in my mind was never ending. When I stepped into Glenn’s office, I hadn’t just given up on my marriage; I had given up on my life. I remember the night I told my wife that I didn’t think our relationship was going to work out. I also remember going to the guest room for the night and looking into the clauses of my life insurance to see if suicide would prevent her from receiving the payment. That’s when I knew that I had to change something, but I didn’t know what. I went on a late-night drive to try to clear my head. I felt numb. I had felt numb for years.
As a police officer in metro Atlanta and a Soldier in the Army, I had dealt with many things that put me in dangerous situations. It got to a point that I became more careless about the situations I was in because, what was the worst that could happen? I get hurt? At least I’d feel something again. I lose my life? I wasn’t enjoying it anyways. January, 2016, that almost became a reality for me. Even that situation didn’t faze me at the time. My supervisor at the police department had to make me see the circumstances of that night for me to even realize what happened and how close I had come to being killed.
I say all of this to make sure it’s clear, I was done with life. I didn’t go into Glenn’s office with motivation to get help. It was a “check the box” kind of thing for me. The only reason I went to see Glenn was to try to make my wife happy because she refused to give up on our marriage.
Immediately after meeting Glenn, I remember him sitting in his chair and just talking to me like a normal person. He didn’t treat me like I was damaged or broken. Every counselor I had been to treated me like I was broken. They always said they could fix me. Saying you can fix me just tells me I’m broken and you can see it. That doesn’t help. That only makes it worse. I already couldn’t stand who I was and now someone I don’t know wants to change me. Glenn connected with me almost immediately and, without me stating any of my feelings, told me that he wanted to help me discover who I was. That really hit my soul. I needed to find out who I was, not change into who someone thought I should be.
In regards to my marriage, I told myself that I would give him a shot unless he whipped out ole faithful…”the Bible says marriage is forever. You’re just going through a phase. You need to weather the storm and work it out”dsfsfs. I quit going to counseling because that is all I ever heard. Like I was just going through a phase and needed to get over myself. If it was that easy, I wouldn’t be looking for help.
Glenn made me laugh when I mentioned counseling. He immediately fired back that he was not a counselor, and this was not counseling. He said that he was there to help us discover ourselves individually. He explained that once we understand ourselves we would be able to fix our relationship on our own. He said he would give us the tools to do the work and we would determine the outcome of our relationship on our own.
We decided to hire him, obviously. At our first session, we went over our questionnaires together and he touched on a few things for each of us. We did a couple more sessions as a couple before Glenn knew us enough to recommend separate sessions with him. The individual sessions made me nervous at first. I didn’t like the feeling of not having an out when I didn’t feel open to talking. Those individual sessions, I’m confident, saved my marriage and my life.
Glenn has a unique way of doing things. I didn’t understand what we were doing in the moment we were doing it but when he brought each exercise full circle, and explained everything he had just learned about me, I was blown away. He was able to tell me a specific age range and event type he believed happened to me that led to me being wired to react a certain way. He was spot on every time. Things I have never told anyone, he picked out like he has known me my entire life. Once I was comfortable enough to really open myself up to change, we went to work. We dissected and rewired my mind to think differently in exact same situations. He helped me live the statement “I am not the product of my past”. I had always heard it. I have learned it. I never knew how to live that statement. I took all of this work with me when I deployed to Afghanistan. While deployed, I continued to work on myself using the tools Glenn gave me. I really found myself using the tools Glenn taught me. I released the anchors I was still holding onto with my mom, my biological dad, and the rest of my past. I finally stopped looking back on my life and started looking forward to the future and who I was going to be.
Now, 3 years later, I don’t even recognize the person I was back then. Social media memories come up from back then and I get emotional because I can now see the sheer misery, I was living in. I can feel that pain now when I couldn’t feel it then. My anxiety is still around, but now I am self-aware of my mind to the point that I can identify the anxiety coming and calm myself without it ever being present. I no longer have a constant sense of impending doom lingering. I don’t feel like I’m always struggling to be good enough for everyone. The biggest win for me is that I no longer look for the acceptance of others to feel self-worth. I have inner peace now that I’ve never felt before. The work is rough. You will leave some sessions sweating. Others, fighting back tears. You will be exhausted. You will dig up stuff you have suppressed for decades. You have to accept the pain to feel again. I owe my life to Glenn and his teaching/coaching. Thanks for everything Glenn!
-John B.
Glenn is amazing! He helped my husband and I so much! His techniques are outstanding. I highly recommend Glenn!!!! Thank you so much!
-Aileen S.
Where do I even begin to share the wonderful journey that is Glenn Cohen Coaching?
I am thirty years old and have had my fair share of traumatic experiences. I struggle with anxiety and depression on a very deep level. To make a long story short, I went to Glenn because I was, quite simply, over my sh*t. I had a clouded vision of what my issues were and I knew that nobody could help me, BUT me. Those who struggle like myself know the hardest part of depression is taking that first step towards betterment. Sometimes you wait so long it's hard to envision a life of happiness, even in the slightest. But someway, somehow, I did take that first step and I do not exaggerate when I tell you - Glenn is the best thing that ever happened to me.
In order to love others you have to first learn to love yourself. The scary part about sadness/depression is that it gets very comfortable. Remaining oblivious to the underlying symptoms is much easier than sifting through pain to better understand WHY that feeling is there in the first place. In order to rise and grow from your trauma, you first have to go back to that point in time and simply wade in those feelings for a while. This is what Glenn does. He takes you on a journey to pinpoint those triggering moments that may be the reason your thoughts are so negative today. He reprograms your brain's way of thinking. For me, personally, he turned my red thoughts to green and aided me in taking back my power over my emotions. And I am here to tell you - the relief I feel today is nothing less than extraordinary.
Let me be very clear about one thing though - YOU are the one who has to put in the work. Glenn gives you all the necessary tools to better yourself but what makes his process so wonderful is he shows you how to use these tools in your everyday life. His process has an end point and once completed you need to use what you learn to continue to grow. My last session with Glenn was almost two months ago and I am still in great spirits and focusing on my path to enlightenment. My relationships are better, my work ethic is solid, and I am also helping those around me without giving a part of myself away.
Each journey is different - but if you are ready to dive into the ugly parts of your life and finally let go of whatever may be holding you back from reaching your full potential, go have a consultation. I am a different person today thanks to Glenn and not only do I see that, but everyone around me sees that as well. Take back your power :)
Glenn’s coaching techniques have made me a happy spouse! My husband had been dealing with difficult circumstances and we seemed to be in a hopeless place of despair and unhappiness. A friend of mine highly recommended working with Glenn. We went to his webpage and read about his program but were unfamiliar with the idea of “life coaching” or his credentials. We decided to move forward only because of the testimonial of my friend, and I am so thankful we did.
Almost immediately after my husband began working with Glenn, I noticed a difference. Glenn was able to help my husband see the limitless opportunities open to him by changing his perspective when encountering conflict. He was able to identify the things that trigger a negative response and understand why they were triggers. Glenn has created an environment where his clients are 100% safe to explore thoughts and ideas. Glenn’s non-judging approach breaks down the false barriers built since childhood and open the possibility to life in a new, healthy reality. He worked with both of us teaching his Mindful Discussion Techniques (MDT) and how to de-fuse a situation. The journey has given me a better understanding of myself, my husband and people in general. I do not know where we would be if we had not met Glenn, so I cannot recommend him more highly.
I went to see Glenn to get help because I was having a hard time. I wasn't quite sure how to pin point what was going on but I knew there were behaviors and patterns that I wanted to get rid of. Glenn helped me understand where these patterns started, how I developed them, why I held on to them and then he gave me the tools to set me free of them.
I have been to a therapist before and this experience was far different from that. Glenn doesn't just listen and help you work through a problem, only to be met with the same problem months or years down the road at another rough patch. He focuses on helping you change, to become a better person, the person you seek to be. His goal is transformation and I am so thankful I found Glenn.
I am doing better than ever. I am so much closer to being the person I want to be - the wife, daughter, sister, friend, coworker, employee that I know I can be. My husband, parents and friends all noticed a change. Because of what he taught me I feel I have control over my reactions and how I live my life. My habits no longer have control over me. It is so freeing!
Thank you so much, Glenn- I could never repay you!!
-Jenn W.
I sought out the help of Glenn because I was repeating the same negative behavior patterns and it was affecting not just me but my marriage and my children. I needed to dive deep and explore myself in a way that standard counseling had not helped me before. Glenn will give you the tools you need to help yourself IF you are willing to open yourself to his techniques and do the necessary work.
Glenn is the reason I am able to move forward with a clear understanding of what I need for myself. If you are on this page wondering if his technique is right for you and if he is the person you need to see --it is, he is amazing to work with! Trust your gut, do the work, and live in a much happier state of mind.
I cannot recommend Glenn enough! I am grateful for him and the methods he has taught me.
-Molly M.
A friend of mine recommended working with a life coach that deeply impacted her. As I was working through a tough transition phase in my life, Glenn Cohen was introduced to me. I have experienced many different types of "therapies" but nothing compares to my time working with Glenn.
I learned that my healing process doesn't just have to do with what was happening in my life right now or the obvious things that pop into my consciousness. Through Glenn's coaching, I was able to look at the things beneath the surface that were the root of my pain so I am now able to move forward to live in my true authentic self. His approach is powerful yet gentle.
The joy and freedom I now feel is something I have never experienced before. I am forever grateful. I cannot recommend Glenn Cohen enough.
-Andrea R.
Contrary to many of his clients, I actually found Glenn when in need of professional development. Together we developed a vision of what my future would look like and then worked hard to put thoughts into actions. Glenn is one of those people who pushes you to become the best you can be, but always in a supportive way. Because of his incredible ability to understand people and their behaviors, he was quickly able to help me translate my feelings into a tangible dream…and help me achieve it. Glenn is amazing and I am so grateful for his guidance!
I heard about Glenn through a friend. They spoke about how different he was from other therapists.
I must say I've had worked on my own "Issues" with different therapists at different points in my life.. and stayed pretty much the same. I began to accept that the way I felt was just part of life, and that I would probably have to live with the cards I've been dealt.
I came to Glenn when I was at an ultimate low point in my life. I don't know what it was but we connected right off the bat. He got me. Glenn was different than any other therapist I've ever come across. He is a real healer. He dove in to the core. He finds the seed, and the root of whatever it is that's going on and that's what he goes for. He was able to get through layers that where built over an entire life span in no time.
One of the things I loved was that he doesn't circle around the bush. He tells it like it is. He holds you to your truth. And he will help you find it if it's lost. Glenn knew that I got on the right path before I even realized. But once I got on that path- there was no going back. I even felt different looking at myself in the mirror. I became the best version of my self and it's all thanks to him.
Glenn is a compassionate, dedicated selfless human being. It takes a special human like him to do this kind of work. I am forever grateful our paths crossed.
Thank you.
-Shani B.
I spent a couple of years hearing about Glenn through no less than six friends who had been working with him. When I sat down to email him about becoming a potential client, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect or what I was looking to work through for that matter.
He assured me when we sat down to talk that we would figure it out together as long as I trusted and committed to the process. I knew I was committed to finding a more joyful existence and so it began. I've never felt so comfortable and supported through an intensive but worthwhile journey.
His work is so uniquely his and unlike anything I've ever experienced. While both challenging and emotional I can say without a doubt that I left each session a bit lighter than the one before.
If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Glenn, show up with an open mind and an open heart and do the work. You won't regret it.
-Kira G.
Today is bittersweet for me, as I have graduated from Glenn's coaching.
I came to Glenn back in January at the recommendation of a friend. I was going through a divorce and a big move, and I really was just not in a great spot mentally and emotionally. I knew the moment I walked into Glenn's office I had found the right person to assist me.
His energy, whiteboards everywhere, his was all what I needed. I have never worked with anyone who has been so invested in my own emotional, physical and mental health as Glenn is. I cried almost every session, rolled my eyes, complained some; but I also laughed, joked, smiled, and found "me" again. I found the confident, positive, happy person I always knew was inside me.
Glenn has not only helped me personally, but also in business. His leadership and management advice are on point. It is through Glenn I learned how intertwined your personal and business lives are. I had a goal for a new position with my employer back in March. Glenn helped me succeed in obtaining the new position and has helped me grow tremendously as a leader and manager.
I am sad today, but beyond thankful and grateful for everything Glenn has done for me. I tell everyone about Glenn. Every single person needs a Glenn in their life. He is not just any Life Coach. Glenn came into my life at just the right time. I KNOW this was not by chance. Whether you have a personal or business need, I HIGHLY recommend Glenn. 🙏🙏🙏
I’ll start off by saying it has become a common phrase of mine to say “They need a Glenn in their life”.
Glenn has been so instrumental in my personal growth and discovery and I am so grateful for his wisdom,
compassion, and guidance. Glenn is more than just a life coach, he has become a friend, a trusted ally, a person I know I can always count on even if he is saying what I don't want to hear but what I need to hear. When you are seeking life coaching in whatever capacity, whether it be for relationship, personal growth, career, family, childhood, and so forth, it goes without saying you are seeking help from the right person. I do not live locally (we have Zoom sessions) but a friend referred me to Glenn when she knew that the marriage counseling we were getting at the time was no longer helpful or giving us the tools to grow and move us forward.
Glenn helped us both work on our relationship and ourselves individually, which in turn helped both. Glenn helped propel us forward from a place of what I thought was a place of no return. We are both so much stronger well-rounded people who are much more in tune with ourselves and each other. Whether we ultimately decide to stay together or not, we can do so now in a place of love, deep respect and appreciation of who we both are, instead of a place of blame, toxicity, and pain.
Glenn is there to listen and to help you talk through things, but he isn't going to just yes you. He will make you really look at yourself, deep down and hold yourself and others accountable, but without blaming or judgement. Instead he gives you insight and understanding of why we partake in certain behaviors and learning what is the root of it, while helping us to process meaning and redefining that meaning we assign to things. Once you have that understanding, you are empowered.
It is so critical to get the right counselor when you are dealing with such important work on yourself or your relationships, all of which is life altering. With our first counselor (and being in therapy for the
first time in my life) I felt we were being taken advantage of with our vulnerable situation and sessions just dragged out with a huge financial impact, without much to show for it other than regurgitating pain over and over.
Any session with Glenn will have work that is going to be raw and bring to light pain that you may want to coast over, which is imperative to uncover honesty and bring conscious awareness. With Glenn it is the opposite of being taken advantage of, he will never turn you away any time you need to talk if he is able, but he also gives you the tools to be able to lean on yourself too.
I knew off the bat from my friends’ reference, reading the other testimonials and then getting Glenn’s very communicate background information and homework he assigned for us to fill out answering multiple forms of question on ourselves first thing, that there was a world of a difference and something truly special. Glenn took that paperwork and he would read on his own time to jumpstart the process and cover what would take months to come out so that he could help us faster.
If you are there to show up and be present and willing to do the work, you will expand yourself exponentially. Glenn is also patient with you and understands the emotional process and most important shares all the learning and knowledge he can with you so that you understand it on your own.
I wish we could clone Glenn, and I know that as painful as the reasons are why we found ourselves seeking Glenn initially, what we have gotten out of it will be with us for life and a continual journey of blossoming into our truest most loving selves, so that we learn to take care of ourselves first so that we can then take care and love others.
Thank you, Glenn, from the bottom of my heart.
When I first started with Glenn, I was what you call a “hot mess”. I was anxious, sometimes short tempered, and always thinking what if. I never focused on the present.
What amazed me throughout this process is how much bad energy I was able to release meeting with him. He has changed how I view life situations and has provide me a different approach on what life brings to me. I know how to focus on the present and how to handle the good the bad and the ugly.
I communicate better, my relationships are better, and I just feel better about myself. He has made me realize you have to release the resentment in the past and you have to be happy with yourself. He has changed my life and helped me be the person I am supposed to be.
I am very grateful.
Glenn uses techniques that are different from the traditional talk therapy found in most psychology or coaching offices. The frameworks that he uses help each individual tap into their subconscious and personal narrative and effectively re-wire their thought patterns into more functional ones. This allows the client to work through experiences that have affected them and hindered them from being their strongest self. His approach is a process of self-actualization and it really works. I have been amazed at the inner strength I have developed. I accomplish more every day now because I am emotionally connected with my goals. Working with Glenn has changed my life.
Thank you;
I came to Glenn at a time that I felt overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. It's not the first time I got "stuck" in an anxiety/depressive mindset. We worked through a lot of pent up energy from my past, something I didn't even know existed, among lots of other exercises. Letting go, forgiveness, recognizing my patterns, etc. are all part of my healing process. I learned so much from Glenn, and continue to use the new skill set for my calm, focused, and most important to me, happy mind.
-Matt H
I had the pleasure of working with Glenn from the late summer of '17 until early winter '18. My original intent in working with Glenn was to increase my confidence after transitioning to South Carolina and finding myself in a world of uncertainty and doubt.
What I found by working with Glenn was that, and much more! Glenn has tremendous ability to challenge your thinking, question for deeper meaning and push you beyond your comfort zone from an area of care and compassion. His coaching style was just what I needed; direct & unwavering.
With this coaching style I was able to see results immediately. Not just within my confidence, but also with my patience, understanding, compassion, listening skills and happiness. With the techniques and strategies Glenn equipped me along with tools I can use in the future when I need to re-establish my grounding.
If you're looking for an outstanding coach that will focus on your results, look no further than Glenn Cohen!
-KM V.
I was in a pretty low place when I first met Glenn. I cried during our introductory session before I had even officially hired him.
A life change had thrown me into a cycle of constant negativity, anxiety and worry. I lost myself and my zest for life that I once had, and I had no idea how to get it back. Working with Glenn I learned about myself and started to understand what happened and why I was feeling the way I was. He taught me the tools to help me help myself. Making the effort to implement these in my daily life was a huge factor in my transformation.
I'm extremely pleased to say, that, thanks to Glenn, I broke the cycle of negativity and became a happy, grateful person that is excited about the future instead of anxious about it. THANK YOU GLENN!!
-Val S.
I engaged Glenn to help guide me through a life decision that will probably remain the single most transformational decision I make in my life. I entered trying to find answers of; am I still in love, what’s changed and why, why am I so unhappy, why am I carrying so much guilt and reservations to ultimately determine if I could make a re-connection or chart a separate path within my marriage. Living as roommates and focusing all energy on raising our children along with my climb of the corporate ladder; I knew I couldn’t allow the disconnection to remain.
Glenn facilitated conversation, offered questions and through a process of education and exploration he LEAD me to discover the answers to those questions for myself. On this journey, we reached into my past, explored other relationships that were influencers. But most importantly, Glenn taught me how to focus beyond the external pressures and influences and find what spiritually and emotionally drove me as a person; I connected and looked inward for answers. Glenn listens, asks the challenging questions and offers his advice and expertise that also has had a positive impact on how I ‘show up’ in other parts of my life.
I’m forever grateful for his time and investment in me. For his empathy and understanding for the low points and celebrating the highs. For the new opportunity to learn through proven concepts, powerful exercises, recommended authors and homework but mainly for his support that uncovered the strength and courage to make the right decision for me.
My best compliment recently was from someone I hadn’t seen in months who said immediately, you’re absolutely glowing, what’s changed?! Yes, she could sense the energy of my new beginning as I launch out as a single woman who’s standing taller and more confident, whose children deep down inside know their mom is happier and someday will understand this decision was for them too, who leans into having tough conversations, who will foster deeper more genuine relationships, who is vulnerable and okay with imperfection and who will learn to feel love again.
Thank you!
-April C.
My experience working with Glenn has changed my life. He gets to the root of the issues and actually uses practical techniques to change the way you think and feel, rather than just listening to you talk and offering advice. The positive changes in my spiritual and emotional well-being from the time I started working with him have been drastic. I can't thank him enough. I would highly recommend Glenn.
-Stephanie E.
''Don't lie to me, I am your coach, why would you lie to your coach?''. Glenn Cohen changed my life and the way I view myself in my life.
My girlfriend and I had a son in February and it was a very traumatic experience, such to an extent that I shut down and pushed them away. We would fight every day and I would do the bear minimum to help with my son or be a part of my family, I just wanted to be left alone and not bothered.
My girlfriend left me, took him and I thought I didn't care till I went and saw Glenn with them and realized I missed them and that everything I had done up until that point was not who I was. I went into seeing Glenn as I had everything to that point since my son’s birth, I didn't care and just wanted to get it over with because I believed nothing was wrong with me.
After my first solo session with Glenn my world was opened and I was like holy shit, this guy is gonna break me down to the very bottom and he did. Glenn took me to my bottom and helped me climb all the way back up and create a new view of the world and taught me how to love myself.
Seeing Glenn was the greatest decision I have made because I am who I believe I need to be in my family as a father and a boyfriend. Glenn taught me that you’re going to get knocked down and that it is how you get back up which will help you learn.
Greatest Coach ever. Thank you, Glenn, for everything you have done for me and my family, I know that in the future if I ever need to see or talk to anyone Glenn Cohen will be the only person I call.
-Benjamin H.
I had bad experiences with psychologists/psychiatrists as a young adult and went to several counselors before I found Glenn, so I was hesitant to see anyone! When I went to Glenn I was going through the toughest time of my life. There were definitely moments that I wasn't sure how I was going to move forward but those were moments when Glenn was there for me the most.
No matter the time of day or if it was a Saturday or Sunday, he was always just a phone call away. I can honestly say that I am the confident, positive and extremely happy person I am today because of the work I did with Glenn. And yes, you do have to DO the work.
There is no button to push to make it better but Glenn will provide you will all of the tools and the guidance to truly become the best version of yourself IF you put the work into it. If you're looking for an easy way out, you shouldn't see Glenn. He's tough on you when you really need to be pushed but VERY compassionate when you're at your weakest.
If you truly want to make changes in your life for any reason (be it career, relationship or personal development), RUN don't walk to Glenn's office. He is the best investment you could ever make for yourself and your life. I can honestly say that I have a true, lifelong friend in Glenn now.
Love you Glenn!
-Carrie A.
“We had a great experience working with Glenn. I guess you could say we shopped around for a counselor before we decided to go with him. One day just talking to my now wife. I told her, "I look at it like this, these other counselor's we have seen they are not going to do the job as good as Glenn." "We are fixer upper and the other counselors are just going to paint the walls and put new everything in it to make it look good to the eye." "We need to blow out some walls, new plumbing, and some foundation work." "Glenn will do all that for us."
After telling my wife that she was on board. We spent a few months with Glenn, after completing the coaching we learned how we need to express our feelings and how to talk through things. He really digs down to the roots to find out where all it comes from and then gives you the tools to help you, even after you are done. I would recommend Glenn to anyone that needs a little fixing up on their relationship.”
-Thomas P.
Our 22-year-old was going through a difficult time coping with a number of life challenges including relationship issues, making a solid career choice along with the ever-present social pressures that all of our children face today. As parents, we had done all that we could and more including various therapists and life coaches which was unsuccessful until we finally found Glenn Cohen.
Glenn was able to communicate and relate to our son in a way others could not. Together they were able to dig deep into understanding the issues and more importantly find positive solutions with a road map forward. Although challenging at times, Glenn was honest and tough but we are happy to say that together they achieved great success.
We cannot begin to express our sincere thanks to Glenn for guiding us through these trying times with one of the most important people in our lives, our son. Today, our son is focused and positive about what his future holds which we are very grateful for.
-Grateful Mt. Pleasant Parents.
Glenn helped me work through some serious childhood trauma that has impacted me negatively through my entire life. The process was emotional and had an immediate positive impact.
Over time in his office coaching and the work I was expected to do on my own enabled me to free myself from the cycle of abuse and neglect that I repeatedly subjected myself to.
If you are ready to get to the root of the issues at hand and do some serious, life changing work I highly recommend you contact Glenn for a mutual interview.
Thank you
A relationship doesn't need 'saving' to benefit from Glenn Cohen. Anyone who wants a deeper understanding of themselves and their significant other, and to grow together as a couple should invest some time with Glenn. My wife and I have never felt closer.
-Henry C
Prior to working with Glenn, I was experiencing challenges in my relationship where the same repetitive patterns of frustrating conflict kept haunting my partner and I. Even with the best of intentions, the conflict just kept getting more intense and more frequent which was creating more and more distance between us. At the time, to my eyes most of the cause of conflict appeared to be coming from my partner.
Then we dove into coaching with Glenn, it became a Godsend. He helped me find the hidden causes and old wounds inside of me that were causing me to not fully show up in the relationship and thus create disconnection and then conflict. Because I had been blind to them, I was astonished yet relieved to find these areas inside myself that needed to be addressed so I could be more whole in the relationship.
Simultaneously in our sessions Glenn was helping my partner with her part in the dance of our relationship. Most importantly, Glenn taught us tools and effective strategies to use inside ourselves and with each other to revitalize the problem areas. With Glenn’s help we’ve been able to transform our sources of disconnection and conflict into new found connection, intimacy, and enjoyment in our relationship.
Glenn’s been a guardian angel for empowering our relationship!
Glenn exceeded my expectations as a coach. He is an incredibly supportive and compassionate coach. He understands what is needed before I do. He makes sessions fun by being playful and authentic. In a short amount of time his sessions have profoundly impacted my personal and professional life as well as my relationship with my beloved. It's amazing how much difference gentle guidance can make.
-Diana D.
Working with Glenn has truly changed me and my life and how I see myself and the people in my life. Working with Glenn was different from any other "therapist" I'd been to. He helped me get real, and didn't feed into my story, and because of that I've changed and grown as a person.
Glenn helped me get in touch with what I really felt, and what I needed in my life to be TRULY happy. My communication with my significant other, and my employees has gotten much better. There are so many positive things to say I could go on all day. But mainly, if you are ready to get real, be open to learning new techniques, and live your life to the fullest, Glen can help get you there!
I highly recommend him.
-Lisa Richart
Glenn helped guide me through the most difficult time of my life. With his help, my husband and I successfully navigated the muddy waters of a difficult divorce, and have managed to keep our relationship positive for our children. His approach is amazing.
Trust him to lead you through the process and you will be a better person. His positive and supportive energy is contagious. He has helped me grow into a much more emotionally intelligent woman. He will challenge you to think differently, to be flexible, and be there to support you when you need to someone to listen.
-Michele R.
My boyfriend of 10 years and I have been seeing Glenn Cohen for 5 months. Our relationship has grown and improved every week after meeting with Glenn. We have learned terminology to better communicate what we feel and how to express the magnitude of those feelings.
I am proud to say that after 5 long months of Glenn's guidance, we were able to calm ourselves using the Discussion Technique in the middle of a disagreement and we were able to share our true thoughts, intentions, and feelings as friends and partners, not as enemies. Glenn coaches you through arguments, is always there to listen, recommends great books, and teaches you techniques to understand and appreciate your partner as a unique individual, not what you think they should be.
My relationship was saved by Glenn Cohen and I would highly recommend him to anyone in my life seeking understanding of themselves, their partner, or their relationship.
-Maggie P.
I am writing this letter share with you how much the workshop "Shift Happens" has changed my life. I don't believe in chance meetings and my attending your workshop was truly a Divine Appointment.
I have been on a journey of self-exploration and growth for the past 12 years. After my divorce, I decided to try and figure out what went wrong in my marriage and what role I played in my divorce. Over the years I have been to counseling, read books, listened to motivational speakers, taken classes, searched scripture, attended church, talked to people, watched movies, searched the web, and any other form of gaining information on men, women, and relationships you can think of. I have analyzed my life, family, friends, intimate relationships, and partners. Needless to say, I had a lot of fragmented information floating around my head. I was able to gain understanding in some areas but have never been able to "connect ALL the dots".
From the moment, you began to speak I was able to relate the information with the seemingly random events of my life. Suddenly everything made perfect sense and I finally got answer to the "Whys" in my life. It was such an emotionally freeing experience that I fought back tears all night. However, during the open discussion I was unable to maintain my composure and the flood gates opened. For the first time in my life I am free from my past hurts and fears. I am finally ready to walk into my future as I am clear on my purpose.
There are not enough words to accurately express how I feel and if I said thank you a million times it wouldn't be enough. The work you have done is truly remarkable and it has changed me forever. I will tell everyone I know about you and your work. May God continue to bless you and what you do.
Eternally Grateful,
Sharon M.
My fiancé and I are very pleased with Glenn’s premarital coaching services and believe we have built a solid foundation for our upcoming marriage! We found Glenn through several searches online and are very happy we decided to give it a chance.
We were looking for a premarital program that would help to prepare us for our lives together and Glenn provided us with several useful communication tactics to practice outside of coaching. He worked with us over several weeks to craft various communication techniques and apply these to real life situations.
Glenn also helped us to understand how our past experiences and relationships played into our present lives and how to let them go! Lastly, Glenn really helped us find where in our relationship there was room for improvement and the details involved. We were given several useful materials to review during our time with Glenn and to keep for the future.
All in all, we are so glad that we would recommend him to any couple that is about to get married, and those whom have been married for a while and are looking to become an even stronger couple!
-Kelly & David
This letter is to tell you about my experiences with Glenn Cohen and his workshops. I first met Glenn in 2006 when my wife and I signed up for his couple’s coaching. Shortly after we were married, we hit the usual issues, and tried a number of counselors, which were all unsuccessful. However, Glenn was the one my wife and I both connected with. I still use many of the techniques he taught us in my everyday life, as Glenn was different from all the others because he gives the tools needed to communicate in business and personal life.
In 2010, I decided to start my own biotech company, which took off more quickly than I could have imagined. In October 2011, a large corporation acquired my company and we expanded the facility and personnel at exponential rates. Shortly after our evolution, I began seeing the usual “growing pains” after expanding the number of employees and space by 400% in 1 month. Being all laboratory employees, the culture tends to promote people who work well alone and now working inside a large corporation, they needed to adapt to working with others in this office and in the other offices around the country. I remembered how much I got out of Glenn’s work, and called him to come in and provide some workshops for my team.
When I announced to the staff I was bringing someone in to help with team building, leadership, etc, I received the “usual” eye rolling and one person asked if they could skip the class because they were really busy. However, once Glenn came in and began the workshops with everyone, we began seeing a huge change to all the employees’ attitudes. In fact, ¾ of the employees asked to have additional one on one time with Glenn to help their personal growth. I was so pleased with the feedback from 100% of my employees, I decided to pay for a number of hours for each employee to meet with Glenn 1-on-1, of which all but one employee took me up on that offer.
In the year since Glenn met with my team, I have seen a change in all but one of the employees. Many times, I hear them say something like, “Would Glenn approve of how you just spoke with that person?” To that, I just smile and couldn’t be happier we brought him in to work with my team. Furthermore, I have seen a handful of my employees strive to move up and take a more management/supervisory position, which I believe wouldn’t have been possible without the skills brought to them by Glenn.
I am sure you can tell that Glenn’s workshops have helped guide my life both personally and in business. One of my employees who started as my Executive Assistant is now successfully running a large medical practice and I believe this is partly because of her communication and team building skills learned and executed with Glenn. I give Glenn and his workshops my highest recommendations and would be happy to discuss with you further if you have any questions.
Ryan F.
There has never been a single person who has had more of a positive impact on my husband and I’s marriage and happiness than Glenn. He is truly amazing at what he does and is such a good, caring person.
Last August, I met with a divorce attorney. The attorney handed me a piece of paper with Glenn’s name and number. He advised me to go to Glenn and come back in six months if needed. He said “Glenn is everyone’s last resort. I wish he was their first because there would be more people happily married. If he can’t help, then no one can.
Since the day we walked in the door, my husband and I’s lives have been transformed. It is nothing short of a miracle that I am happily married today. God put Glenn in our lives and I am forever grateful.
Glenn has been there for us in our sessions and in between sessions as needed. We had some deep seeded family issues as well as marriage issues. It has been a challenging year and with Glenn’s expertise, patience, and love; we made it through.
He never gave up on my husband and I individually and with our marriage. He wants his clients to progress and “graduate” and he truly cares about each person. He puts his clients above money and success. He will be famous someday. He is an incredible person.
I highly recommend him for whatever you are going through. He changed our lives and he will change yours, too. You will live a life of peace and happiness that you never knew was possible. I thank God, every day that Glenn is in our life and for all he has done for us.
-Emily S.
My husband and I are grateful for Glenn's marital coaching. I was hesitant to find a marriage counselor since I know even the most well-intentioned therapist could leave us stuck discussing 'feelings' without much accountability and clear direction. I didn't feel that we had time for that.
I was referred by a friend who a year and a half earlier was seeking a divorce lawyer, and this lawyer said "If Glenn couldn't help them, than no one could." Now they are doing well, still married thanks to Glenn's work. I thought their success was worthy of giving Glenn a chance.
Glenn has not coddled us rather he held us each completely accountable for all our behaviors, even the subtle ones that still hurt, and required us to play a pro-active role in safe, respectful, communication to heal and move forward in a healthier relationship.
Glenn's coaching also helped my husband work through challenges in his work environment and gave him tools in creating his own happiness which was a struggle for him. We have come a long way and have eternal thanks to Glenn for all his nuggets of wisdom, practical tools for working through the everyday woes of marriage.
-Happy Couple in Mt. P.
I cannot really find the words to accurately describe what an enormous influence Glenn's work has had on our marriage and on our lives. We had tried individual counselors and two other marriage counselors. I had resigned myself to having to break up our marriage of 20 years or to stick it out until the kids got to college, but I had really given up all hope that improvement would be coming in our lives.
I was very lonely in my marriage and we had even separated for over nine months. Conflict was a daily struggle. I was really at a breaking point and didn't know where else to turn but I knew I do not believe in divorce. I found Glen on the internet and he immediately returned my call. It was really the miracle we had been praying for and needed in our lives.
We began working with Glen each week and continued for well over a year. Some weeks there would be small changes in perspective and understanding between us and other week’s giant leaps. He provided us with excellent materials that we could refer back to and guide us through the process.
When a student is ready a teacher will appear. Glen was that teacher for us. We are both doing very well, and our marriage is thriving. We continue to refer back to the materials he gave us but find implementing his communication techniques and following the concepts get easier with time.
I am so blessed and grateful we got to work with Glenn. I wish him ever success and hopes his coaching continues to thrive. Thank you so much for all you have done for us and our family. I can never express my gratitude and appreciation enough.
-Lynn M.
Major breakthrough today in our session, thank you for your coaching. Thank you for guiding me toward a new place. For the first time in my life I am starting to not fear acceptance. I feel a lot lighter than I did yesterday. Today was hard, but so freeing!
-Melanie M.
Thank you for hosting the workshop today. I was pleasantly surprised how involved Matt really was in learning/understanding the process and we had a great discussion on the way home. I was very fearful that he would just 'sit through' the program this morning and laugh it off later and not want to participate. He had a different perception about how the meeting would go today and we were both a bit skeptical about counseling or at least finding the right counselor. However, we were very pleased at how laid back and progressive your program seems to be, not the outdated lie-on-the-couch "tell me how you feel" ideology.
He was bringing up so many of your points in the car, I could just really tell that he was listening and taking your methods seriously. He even thanked me over lunch for caring enough about our relationship to sign us up to participate in coaching. It was one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever said to me! There was one acronym that really resonated with me and that was BOD- Benefit of a doubt. Of course I am aware of this principle, but I by no means practice this in any relationship/situation in my life. It is something that has been excluded that I now know I need to consider and bring back into my life. Thank you :)
Thank You,
My boyfriend and I went to see Glenn several months ago when our relationship was having major problems. I was hooked on changing virtually every aspect of our relationship and my boyfriend because so much needed changing. I went to Glenn because I wanted him to help my boyfriend "see the light". I considered myself very much at the time very aware and "evolved" and if only my boyfriend could catch up to my level (how arrogant), we would be perfect together.
Glenn, I believed was just the man to shake my boyfriend out of his denial, and self-defeating habits. Little did I know that it was I who needed to be shaken out of my denial and self-defeating habits-- which is exactly what Glenn did.
He told me at the beginning that waiting on potential is a very dangerous thing... which is exactly what I had been doing... what I had always done in relationships. I didn't want to hear this because I still wanted to believe in his potential to become a better man/ boyfriend and I was hell bent on making "us" work. But Glenn with his matter a fact yet gentle and non-judgmental approach slowly mirrored to me what I was doing on my end in the relationship-- all that I was doing to sabotage my happiness now by waiting on an elusive potential.
Needless to say, it was Glenn that helped me to awaken to the deeper truth of what was going on which made it so much easier to remove myself from the toxic relationship with inner conviction and strength. As a result, I am so much happier and gone are the days that I feel the need to "love" another enough into some distant potential. Sometimes the best expression of love is to free yourself and the other from what clearly isn't meant to be.
Thanks Glenn for all your wisdom and genuine support!
-Melinda R.
I found out about Glenn from a good friend who shared with me he and his wife’s experiences working through Glenn, and I felt it was a good fit for my wife and me. As it turned out, I learned more in our first session than I did in all other sessions with a marriage counselor, and I sensed my wife felt less threatened because he was offering help whether we decided to stay together or not. My wife wanted out, and so we ended our 13-year relationship and yet today, I can say we are civil toward one another and work well with childcare arrangements, and much of that is due to our working under the guidance of Glenn.
After the separation and divorce, I decided to keep seeing Glenn as a Personal Coach, and again, that was a great decision! I’ve learned more about myself (really deep self-analysis); I’ve learned communication skills that help me with the ex, with clients, colleagues, friends, significant others, and most importantly with myself (the subconscious).
There’s a lot one can say to themselves that can trigger into elevated negativity. We all have memories of childhood wounds that affect how we view the present and when you combine that with a life situation that involves lots of pain, we can get triggered into negativity and a cycle of communication that can be so unhealthy. Glenn led me through this awareness, and provided me the required skills for healthy communication. These are techniques that work!
He’ll challenge you to learn and it’s up to you to put the effort in, use his techniques and use him. He was available when I needed him the most, and that’s a real difference between him and other coaches or therapists. You don’t have to sit and twist your mind into a frenzy--you can call him, text him, email him, go see him, and he’ll lead you through the pain, across the bridge to a new path.
When you are feeling good about yourself, about your direction and you use the tools necessary for meaningful communication, you reach an inner peace that is so rewarding and have the ability to create emotionally healthy relationships. That has been the icing on the cake, and I owe so much to Glenn.
Thank you, my friend. With sincerity,
Please accept this humble, simple letter as a thank you and letter of recommendation for your work with both of us -- but it is impossible to simplify the journey we have been on together for about 4 months that has led us to the seemingly impossible destination of "peaceful parenting partners"; my ex-husband and I now exist in that place.
When we met with you for the first time, it was a highly charged meeting with two very contentious people. He had been encouraged by our prior therapist to track me via GPS and this had created tremendous stress and a lack of trust in what was left of our relationship. I lacked any understanding of his personal war chest of emotional wounds, and felt he placed his parents ahead of me or our children in priority.
Your "lack of format" format was key in our transition, and I believe that it allowed access to you and your coaching in the most key moments. Had those moments passed without your input and guidance then I am certain that things would have continued to escalate into a very long, costly and bitter divorce and custody battle.
I thank you, personally, for getting us through all of that somehow. We now cooperate fully in working together for the best of our children. We are very nearly done with our attorneys and who knows how much money you have save us!
Best of all, our children have quickly moved through their own processes and we have learned, with your coaching, how to notice and interpret their emotional cues; better yet, we are working with them on developing their own skills at emotional intelligence. They have settled into their new school and seem to be embracing their new lives and are fine (so far) with having two houses. In my heart, I know it is because both of those houses are at peace. Thanks to you.
I remain grateful and always will be!
Most Sincerely,
One Half of a Peaceful Parenting Partner (aka Friendidant)
I enjoyed this reading about the true and at its base lies the very core of transcendence...toward new patterns of loving and being...
I am so sorry you will not be able to come to our wedding. My heart wishes so much it could be so. You have been such an instrumental medium for this all to even be possible. These wedding marks such a huge work, it does. and I see the progress every time now we are in conflict...
For, now, Glenn, there is no running away...and we are able to resolve conflict so much better...have you noticed I have not called you in a frantic for some time? That is because you planted huge seeds in us both and on an important level, we both knew this love and our individual growth meant too much than to not engage in the principles you delivered to us..
It is not the same in conflict resolution any longer and I intuit much of it also has to do with Alex letting go of all his past... Very recent times...but there is an indeed change I view and to me, it seems since that decision was made to move forward, the divorce and his tools he learned from you, a marked difference in his ability to approach conflict. I am so grateful!!
Even one time, there was this conflict Glenn, and he and I almost burst out laughing....huge out of the ego response, huge...thanks so you.
I love you and if anything changes, please come. So many are coming that witnessed what you did and felt such a situation seemed so hopeless, but now see for themselves the transition.
The power of love moves mountains in overcoming fear and ego melts the heart and opens one to a journey they never may have oneself and to the other...most importantly, to the God within.
I have witnessed in him, a remarkable change, and all of this with your coaching has enabled him to walk over the bridge with the journey of love...I could and will write a book...someday.
Let us all three meet for coffee when this is will witness yourself the changes and the evidence of your work...of which I support has to be comforting...and loving at the same succeeded here big time Glenn. I guess he was ready no matter what the appearance.
Corry and I are doing much better at communicating and it is working! I mentally refer back to your "glennism’s" and smile. Thank-you for sharing of yourself, and for keeping in touch. I also believe God puts people in our lives when we need them the most. You experienced the good and bad sides of me. We still carry your medallion.
Gods' Peace.
Glenn’s coaching has enabled me to change my life from hurting to happiness.
I also better understand my reactive behavior and I rarely feed the “gremlin” (judgmental attitude).
After a failed marriage and numerous failed relationships, at age 69, my hurt was evident in this question, “Will I ever have a bonding relationship with a woman?
The coaching revealed that I had essentially been dating my mother. Mom was emotionally detached - an Ah-ha awareness took place.
I now have a relationship with an emotionally mature woman and I made sure of it before I dated her the first time!
I have re-established amicable relationships with relatives, friends and work associates.
I am better connected to customers. Repeat business has increased due to referrals.
Sometimes I think about the cost of the coaching and vacillate about stopping to save the money. Then an Ah-ha experience occurs through Glenn’s guidance. The coaching brought about an awareness that has made me the happiest I have been in my life. Money cannot buy happiness.
A life enhancing experience cannot be measured in dollars. However, it can be acknowledged with gratitude.
With gratitude,
Guerry T.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the coaching experience of Glenn Cohen. For four months, we have been working with Glenn involving the personal dynamics of our relationship. We are so grateful for Glenn's expertise in coaching, his compassion in working with us and his skills bringing us from a very difficult place to a place where our beautiful relationship can now grow and evolve.
Glenn provided the working format where specific goals were designed. Through this process, he skillfully assisted us in creating new perspectives for change and aided us in replacing old fears and patterns with healthy perspectives and self-discoveries for growth. His techniques aided us to understand the cycle of conflict, to move beyond fears from the wounded self, and assisted us to rise to a liberating and conscious awareness that allows true love and communication.
Today, we truly feel the tools and skills from the coaching have allowed our relationship to become truly an emotionally intelligent one.
We are eternally grateful for Glenn and his successful and creative mastery of coaching. We not only acquired the awareness of our true issues, but experience the joy, balance and happiness our relationship today now governed by admiration, trust and love, not fear. Glenn assisted us in releasing fears, so our love could grow. We came from experiencing barriers and blocks, to today, after our coaching with Glenn, we are planning our marriage.
In gratitude and joy,
Bishka and Alexander
In March of last year, my marriage was at the end of the line. We had been married for seven years and we were done - thoroughly miserable and hating each other. While the story is long and sad, the resulting conclusion is not. We were referred to Glenn by a colleague and had an appointment shortly thereafter. Neither one of us wanted to go, but we did both feel obligated to explore every option possible before breaking up our family.
Our first appointment was rough. We had to drag out all our dirty laundry to a complete stranger and let all the heartache hang out on the line. I was fully expecting him to tell us to throw in the towel. What I was not expecting was someone with Glenn’s unique combination of no BS mixed with compassion and insight telling us that there was plenty of hope left. As the appointment went on, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was our guy.
We had gone to marital counseling before and it never really resonated with either one of us. But the difference was that Glenn quickly became a trusted friend and confidante, physically and emotionally available as much as we needed. He helped us; both individually and together, decipher what was at the root of our problems and how to move past them.
He helped keep our egos in check when we needed it and even helped us sort out arguments as they came up, rather than having to wait for a week to revisit it. He listened and listened and listened and though empathetic, gave us frank and direct advice and his honest opinion as to what factors were at work.
He helped us understand each other by translating between the two of us when we couldn’t come up with our own words. I cannot stress enough how the things I learned about myself as well as the human psyche have helped me, both in my marriage (8 years this January, thank you very much) as well as all relationships and even casual interactions with people.
I feel quite smart when I can advise someone by sharing the things I learned and it is so exciting to see the light bulb of understanding go off just like it did and still does with me. I am able to do this because I had such a good teacher, who made certain that I understood and could put emotionally intelligent principles into action.
Glenn will always have a special place in my heart and I know that he changed my life as well as my husbands. We would not be married today (much more happily, of course) if it were not for him. Quite simply, he’s the best and I am honored to know him.
President, Glenn Cohen Fan Club
When we first came to Glenn – to me it was the last thing I was going to try before giving up on our marriage. After the first few weeks things seemed to be getting better. Then my husband did something that pushed me out the door.
During our separation Glenn was always there for us and he worked tirelessly with us individually. After two months of intense coaching, we were able to recognize the real issues that were separating us and decided to get off the vicious cycle. Now we are back together again and happier than ever.
Thank you, Glenn, for saving our marriage. Our relationship continues to get better every day.
I would like to thank you for the time that Rick and I have spent with you. We have been trying techniques for years--using some method or other to get over the hurdles that couples usually experience. With most of these, we do okay and find that most of the time it's the same issue, just a different set of circumstances. And naturally, I rediscover that the only person that I can work on and change would be my own individual self.
I have spent many years contemplating this and when I share my challenges with Rick, I usually take on the responsibility for what and how I created this experience in my life. My inner processing leaves him "off the hook" and me "holding the bag" of what feelings that eventually become resentment or worse, emotional detachment.
After one session with you we have spent many nights making "appointments" with one another so that we can be heard by the other without reactions or judgments in a safe place where the goal is not to figure out the answers, just to listen and be heard. This new approach makes the issues not about either of us. Nor are the issues in between us; they are clearly just things, separate from us and our relationship. We put them out there, in front of us for our viewing. It's interesting,
I have never felt physically or emotionally closer to Rick than I do after spending this kind of time with one another. I like the experience of actually being heard and I've become a better listener to what my partner's thinking and feeling. We both feel safe to share.
Thank you for this most powerful and gentle method for effective, honest, and loving communication.
Glenn has done a series of workshops at our church in recent weeks and what people have told me is that not only is he practical, his material and techniques are extremely helpful.
One person said "our relationship was transformed in one afternoon". Having been a therapist in the past, I personally like Glenn's work as it is a synthesis of the best of relationship theories, a few of which I practiced myself. And these were the theories and techniques most helpful to my clients.
-Rev. Ed Kosak, MSW
As a newlywed couple, still enjoying our blissful new wife and I weren't without our share of communication problems. We are both type A personalities, who were used to taking care of only ourselves.
While we couldn't pinpoint the root of our frustrations, we weren't afraid to look for some guidance. We are madly in love and we felt that maybe what we could use was some "preventative maintenance."
Interestingly enough, Glenn had dropped off his cards at my place of business several months earlier.
After our initial consultation with Glenn, we KNEW that this was the guidance and support we were seeking!
We believe in Glenn with all of our hearts...and if we could impart just one aspect of what Glenn has to offer, it is that he is as good at helping build fulfilling relationships as he is at revitalizing the ones that appear hopeless.
Once again Glenn, we thank you for providing us with the basic tools that WE needed to continue to grow as a couple.
Sincerely and Thankfully,
My husband and I were ready to give up on our marriage when a friend recommended Glenn Cohen as a relationship coach. The first time we meet with Glenn, we were both amazed how insightful he was. During our first meeting, he quickly identified specific issues in our relationship and gave us a plan on how we could overcome these issues.
The thing I appreciated the most was his honesty and sincerity. My husband and I left the first session with a feeling of hope that maybe our marriage could be saved. We have been working on our relationship with Glenn for several months now and I can say that my relationship with my husband has improved tremendously.
Glenn is very committed to his clients and has a great passion for what he does. I would highly recommend Glenn to anyone who needs help in their relationship.
Lisa C.
Glenn helped me get through a difficult time by bringing insight into a problem I was unable to see properly. He did this by asking pertinent questions and having me answer them in writing. He also expressed his own observations, which helped immensely. In this way, I was able to see the blocks I was putting up. I am thankful to him and recommend his relationship and life coaching to anyone who wants to move forward in life.
I feel you are a godsend to, both, couples in trouble and individuals wanting to improve their potential in creating a relationship. My own marriage may possibly have been saved if we had worked with someone like you rather than a marriage counselor.
This note is way overdue. I (we) would like to thank you for all of your help and support. How do you express "thanks" for saving a marriage? It seems too immense for a simple "thank you", yet what else can we do? I guess one idea would be to live out the techniques you taught us and have a peaceful, loving relationship.
When the rector of our church first contacted you, Jimmy and I had been separated for a year. The legal separation/divorce papers had been written and signed, but we had not yet gone to court. I had already attended a Divorce Care course. Our marriage was basically over.
Jimmy wanted to try one more time. We had gone through marital counseling in the past, and I frankly was not very excited or interested in trying it again. I really don't know why I agreed to work with you, but I am so thankful that I did. You gave us real hands-on, nuts-and-bolts skills to use for communication. We desperately needed these tools.
Your program is such an intensive one and covers so many relational issues. Being able to call you in between sessions and talk out concerns as they arose was invaluable. After working with you for a few months, it seemed like our relationship just might have a chance after all.
As you know, Jimmy and I reconciled five months ago. We actually renewed our vows and went on a second honeymoon weekend get-away. I cannot say that our relationship is problem-free, but what relationship is? We definitely still have issues on which to continue working, but I can honestly say I am very happy that we did not go through with a divorce. We have a wonderful six-year-old son, who is thrilled to have his family back together. As long as we keep working hard, I am confident that we can have a healthy, even happy marriage.
Again, Jimmy and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Yours sincerely,
Terry and Jimmy
Have you ever noticed that when you come in contact with someone of light, or something of light that you come away with a new layer of serenity and centeredness? That's what I went home with from your workshop, from listening to you and from words of your program.
Thank you, light and blessings,
Glenn and I have been working together for only one month now. At the time we first met, my marriage was at a complete loss, though I thought. I felt as if I was lost as well.
After a short time with Glenn, I realized that I had a lot to learn and gain from working with him regardless if my wife and I were to ever get back together. I began the process of gaining my Conscious Awareness and finding my Peaceful Soul. This was huge for me.
I was able to identify a number of areas that were constantly and subconsciously pulling me down. I was also able to become conscious of my thoughts and realize how damaging my thought process was to me. The awareness process enabled me to take responsibility for my past and future actions and allow me to put down the baggage I have been carrying that had predetermined my behavior for so many years. This was the most intense and freeing feeling, I have ever had.
When I was able to move on to finding my Peaceful Soul, I was scared to death to confront my thoughts. Where they originated, what affect they were having on my life and how I was going to deal with them. After going through the exercises, I soon realized that I was actually freeing myself from the contaminated thinking that had ruled my life forever.
In just 4 weeks working with Glenn, I have been able to pull my life together, really live in life every day, and not have life live around me. Little does my wife know, but she has been affected by my new-found focus on life and she and I are getting closer together every day. I attribute my progress in my relationship and my life to the workings of Christ and the help of Glenn. Glenn has always been there and I'm sure he will continue to be a part of my life for a long time.
“I have had the privilege of knowing Glenn for some 10 years – first through his father on the tennis court, and then sadly, through the untimely death of his brother. Glenn’s work is very dear to him. I think it will be of assistance to my fellow clergy who wish to assist persons struggling with marriage issues, but are lacking the time in our busy schedules to provide couple with proper tools.”
-Chaplain Rob Dewey