Neurological Intelligence
We are all challenged to learn, stretch, heal, and grow during our life's journey. In these times, we may struggle with recurring cycles of negativity, obstruction, turmoil, and conflict in our relationships with ourselves and others. We may feel stuck, lost, conflicted, and uncomfortable in our skin, or distracted and confused by the cacophony of voices from our inner commentators—many of whom may sound familiar and deceptively authoritative.
If we understood the basics of our neurology, we’d be able to swim through the choppy currents of our inner struggles without drowning in them. We would understand that we aren’t uniquely cursed but that these experiences are shared, and we don’t have to simply take them at face value as the “truth.”
Since 2003, it has been my honor and mission to develop an owner’s manual for the human operating system and create strategies, tools, and techniques for people to educate and evolve themselves. I developed the term Neurological Intelligence™ to represent the knowledge and functioning of our neurological networks and the impact they have on our inner and outer worlds. My objective is to use Neurological Intelligence™ to help others understand how the nervous system is formed and programmed, why it operates on repetitive patterns, and how to change those patterns that disempower us and cause us to suffer.
There are three phases of personal healing and growth: past, present, and future. Depending on where you are at any given time as well as the goals you are working on, you will clarify which phase to focus on.
When you focus on the past, you are working with the deepest layers of your nervous system. Your goal is to reveal, release, and resolve any unresolvedness in your inner world—what I refer to as neurological wounding. This unresolved wounding keeps you reenacting and reinforcing disempowered, dysfunctional patterns. These patterns comprise painful emotions and disempowered beliefs, which you hide, defend, and protect.
Working with the present, you want to manage your meaning machine mind. Present work is about recognizing and interrupting disempowered patterns that are keeping you stuck in cycles that usually end up causing you and others some form of suffering and then installing with repetition new empowered patterns.
The future deals with guiding the direction of your destiny. You will look to explore and strategize your two types of goals: external goals for what you want to achieve in a certain area of life and internal goals for the person you’d like to grow into that are congruent with your external goals, giving you the greatest chance for success.
Buy the books
Neurological Intelligence: Volume 1
A Guide to Your Human Operating System
Neurological Intelligence: Volume 2
Strategies and Tools to Heal and Grow
Ready to make a change?
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All initial interviews are 100% free. We’ll talk, you’ll get a feel for my approach and I’ll answer any questions you have about me personally, my philosophy and the difference between counseling and coaching.